
Reduce or eliminate your student loan payments and

Get A Home!
Boost Your Credit!
Get A Car!

SFCCP and your credit coach partners with LoanSense to assist you with managing your student loans.

Society for Financial & Career Consulting Professionals partners with LoanSense to help 4000+ happy borrowers


Average monthly savings!

+ 9-20

Points increase in credit score


Speed to qualifying for a loan

We help you create a customized plan tailored to your financial needs!

Answer a few questions, connect to your loans, and get a personalized plan

We match you with a student loan expert

We assist you with tricky paperwork to cut payments by $1000s and increase your loan borrowing amount in just 3 weeks

What our customers say

Read why thousands keep coming back to LoanSense for student loan help

Reduce your student loan payments now

© 2025 LoanSense. All Rights Reserved.

Terms of Service

LoanSense is a private organization and is not a government entity. Our free loan plan will identify what federal programs are available for you and does not constitute legal or financial advice. Consumers may choose to complete their own student loan paperwork based on the federal programs and are not obligated to use a third party resource such as LoanSense. LoanSense does not facilitate the negotiation of a debt, the settlement of a debt or the altering of a debt nor does LoanSense make your student loan payments on your behalf. LoanSense does not guarantee credit score improvements.